
An ACL reconstruction on my knee was closely followed by additional surgery, but all movement was still painful. My quadriceps muscle was in bad shape (strong atrophy) despite regular gym training, spa medical treatments and physical rehabilitation. A private practice physician suggested Leguar Centre where I promptly commenced treatment.
Praises to Ante, the therapist who made me perform at my maximum level through highly demanding exercises. In the end, it resulted in my quadriceps and knee getting well.
Many thanks and gratitude to Ante and Maja for their professionalism, but also to Leguar device that exerted me properly.

Nina Vodopija


It is quite difficult for us impatient and hyperactive people to hear expressions like "long-term recovery" or "4-6 weeks of crutches after surgery". But it was a good fortune I was acquainted with the Leguar team! :-)

Through an intense period, with a very professional and at the same time friendly approach, they made sure that none of the above expressions came true for me.
I warmly recommend their way of approach which does not focus only on the knee and does not invest effort only at the time of treatment but takes into account the bigger picture and adjusts the approach to the client according to his abilities, needs, desires, and lifestyle. Even after completing the treatment, the client learns how to maintain good results, or achieve even better.

Thanks to Ante who (every time) approached the therapy with so much will, interest and knowledge as if it was his knee he was treating. ;-)


I had a knee surgery recently and was keen to regain functioning as quickly as possible. The team and equipment at Leguar definitely helped me to achieve this. I was working with Ante who is very knowledgeable and somehow easy-going but at the same time capable of testing physical limits, and Ante in combination with the Leguar machine allowed the rehab to be tailored to my needs and to measure improvement over time. I'm very happy with my progress so far and highly recommend Leguar if you would like to optimise your rehabilitation process.

Daniel Biddle


Nakon ozlijede prednjeg križnog ligamenta odjednom sam se susrela s novim oblikom prepreka i straha. Hodanje je postalo izazov, a ostale aktivnosti tako daleke. Operacija je bila prvi korak, slijedio je oporavak. Polako sam krenula prema planu oporavka.

Došla sam u Leguar centar i upoznala tim, upoznala Maju i Antu koji zrače pozitivom, tim koji ne poznaje prepreku ili riječi ajme, teško, strah.... U ugodnoj atmosferi i uz dobru glazbu svaki dan je bio težak i naporan :), ali i vidljivi napredak. Ante je svaku vježbu objasnio kako i zašto treba raditi, što ona znači za mene. Svaki dan me učio vježbama koje će mi pomoći, usmjeravao kada trebam odmoriti, a kada trebam pojačati vježbe i kod kuće.

Nakon poprilično prolivenog znoja, ponekad i sa suzom u oku, danas je suza u oku od sreće što sam upoznala osobu kao što je Ante, osoba koja zna što radi, voli to što radi i iskreno želi pomoći. Strah s kojim sam došla nestao je, izazovi su još tu ali samo da ih savladam jer sada to stvarno i mogu.

Hvala Maja, Ante i Leguar team !!!!!!!!


2 months ago, I encountered ice while skiing, and that unwanted encounter ended with a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, a partial rupture of the meniscus, and a couple of other Latin lines regarding a knee injury. 5 days after the diagnosis I came to Leguar Center.

I worked with physiotherapist Ante, who in addition to all knowledge has great musical taste (which is not unimportant). He always explains in detail why he is doing an exercise and which muscles are involved in the performance of the movement.  
It is nice to see that the team sincerely cares about your progress.
And so I ride my bike again 2 months after the fall (cautious, of course :)) and I started warming up to get back to the dance.

Big thanks to the Leguar Center team! 🤗


As most seemingly random things in life happen for a reason, so have I “wandered” into this center. After 2 years of knee pain, visits to all forms of doctors, failed surgeries and pain again I came to Leguar center where we tried to solve the problem by physically strengthening certain muscle groups, but without any change in my case.

But unlike everyone so far who thought they knew the solution to my problem, the Leguar center team didn’t give up on me and continued to deal with me from all possible angles.
We are still dealing, they have not given up yet and I am grateful to them from the bottom of my heart.


I’ve been introduced to the Suprakinetic technology some time ago and, due to an unfortunate event in which I badly injured both of my knees in an accident, I have started to use Leguar device.

Since the surgery I’ve been performing excercises on Leguar, which is designed for rehabilitation and increase in performance of the knee joint. In my younger days, I’ve been a top athlete. During that period, and also through my entire life, I’ve been aiming for perfection in whatever I did, whether it was sports or my professional career.

Leguar is probably the best rehabilitation device I have used in my recovery and in the process of my return to the same level of activity as before the injury.


Thank you and your team for the effort and results I have achieved at your center.
I feel good and now after the therapy I keep fit. I am glad to say that today I will go to play tennis.

BIG THANKS to all of you.


After an anterior cruciate ligament injury, I was suddenly faced with a new form of obstacle and fear. Walking has become a challenge and other activities seemed so far away. The operation was the first step, followed by recovery. I slowly moved towards the recovery plan.

I came to the Leguar center and met the team, met Maja and Ante who radiate with positive energy, a team that does not know the obstacle or the words OMG, difficult, fear ....
In a pleasant atmosphere and with good music every day is was difficult and strenuous :), but also visible progress. Ante explained each exercise how and why it should be done, what it means for me. Every day he taught me exercises that will help me, guided me when I need to rest, and when I need to intensify the exercises at home.

After a lot of sweat, sometimes with a tear in my eye, today there is a tear in my eye from happiness that I met a person like Ante, a person who knows what he is doing, loves what he is doing and sincerely wants to help. The fear I came with is gone, the challenges are still there but I just have to overcome them because now I really can do it.

Thank you Maja, Ante and Leguar team !!!!!!!!


Reaching the top is a great challenge, especially considering many possible injuries. You have to keep searching for excellence in sport and the advantage of technological development is very important.

From today’s point of view, Suprakinetic™ technology is the first answer to specific challenges we are facing.
Recovering from a knee condition or surgery is a demanding process and Leguar™ is a very efficient tool for professional athletes, doctors and regular patients. It works really smooth, performs with excellent precision and has a vital place in both athletic and medical environment.

Great software and HMI [human-machine interface] make it fun and easy to use.


I suffered knee pain for several months hoping the pain was transient. But as it did not pass I did an MRI of the knee and I was diagnosed with a ruptured meniscus with a fragment that broke off and which was the cause of that pain. I was advised to undergo knee arthroscopic surgery and then to proceed with rehabilitation to bring my knee to normal function. For all of the above, 2 to 4 months of recovery were planned, which for me as an private bussines owner was almost imposible to have such long break from work.
In search of a better solution I came across information that postoperative rehabilitation in Leguar center would be faster and more efficient. I made the decision to go and try to solve my problem that way.
I had an arthroscopic procedure in a private polyclinic, after which I was released for home care the same day. After two days, I started intensive therapy at Leguar for five days two hours daily. Physiotherapist Ante, with whom I worked at the center, with his knowledge, expertise and leadership of the therapy, made me feel gretly better after the first treatment. I felt less pain and the knee function was greater.
Therapy was administered daily. It was difficult, sometimes very difficult, but the realization that after each therapy I felt better and it was easier to walk, gave me the motivation and strength to endure and continue working every day. After five knee treatments I could do almost every movement in full range without the presence of pain, but according to the instructions I still did daily exercises at home for a month to strengthen leg muscles, but most importantly I went back to work and could easily do everything my daily tasks.
Leguar therapy is a miracle for me, because in such a short time after the operation I was fully functional and could return to my duties. In two weeks I started to introduce physical activity, brisk walking and light running, and after a month hiking. I recommend to those who have knee problems and have knee pain as a symptom to try to solve their problem with rehabilitation through the Leguar robot.
My experience shows that the results are fast and incredibly effective, and the people in the center I worked with (Luka and Ante) are professional, attentive, motivating, infinitely kind and approach their work holistically, doing their best to remove pain and return knee function in full range to client as soon as possible.
I am very grateful to everyone in the center…